作者:Kate Melchior和Simbrit Paskins
6月11日, 四年来第一次, a team of 61 middle 和 high school 学生s from across Massachusetts set out to the University of 马里兰, 学院公园, 参加2023年NHD全国大赛. There they joined a group of over 3,000 学生s representing all 50 United States, Washington, D.C., Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, 和 inter国家 schools in China, Korea, 和 South Asia. 你能想象吗?? 年轻人的海洋, 在大学校园里, 为历史而兴奋,准备好席卷全国赛!
一次在学院公园, 学生们花了一周的时间来展示纪录片, 网站, 展品, 表演, 和 papers they’ve worked on all year; traded state pins 和 stories with 学生s from around the world; 和 shared in the incredible experience that is 国史日.
在他们在大学公园的四天逗留期间, 学生们体验了大学利记手机官网, staying in dorms 和 eating in the school dining halls with 学生s from around the world. They viewed the 展品 和 表演 of other 学生s 和 explained their own topics of research to new 朋友. They also participated in a variety of activities just for fun with their Massachusetts cohort, 包括参观D.C.一个新英格兰棋盘游戏之夜,还有一个冰淇淋派对. Finally, on the last day they participated in a massive parade 和 award ceremony in the UMD Stadium.
We are incredibly proud to highlight the following achievements from our 国史日 Massachusetts team:
获奖者:Harry Liu, Alex和er Lay和Spencer Carman
老师:Jason Levy
青少年组网站:帕洛阿尔托研究中心v. Pennsylvania: Pioneering the Right to Education for Children with Cognitive Impairments”
由美国国会图书馆赞助, this prize is awarded in the junior 和 senior divisions for an outst和ing project in any category on American or inter国家 discovery or exploration.
获奖者:Ruthanna Kern
学校:Somerville High School, Somerville
Senior Individual Performance: “Broken: The Treaties of Fort Laramie 和 the Myth of the Frontier”
Junior Division Winner(s): Cora Dutton, Nadia Hackbarth-Davis, Jiwan Ryu, 和 Elena Zaganjori
老师:Jason Levy
Junior Group Documentary: “Now I’ve Got The Pill: Oral Contraceptives 和 How They Changed The Lives of American Women”
老师:Anne Page
We’d also like to extend a special shoutout to our Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year Nominees Gail Buckley of Willow Hill School in Sudbury 和 Barbara Sturtevant of Marshall Simonds Middle School in Burlington. 祝贺他们,也祝贺我们所有的学生历史学家和老师, 家庭, 朋友, 以及支持他们的社区.
如果您有兴趣了解更多利记APP官网手机版NHD或加入我们作为老师, 学生, 或2024年马萨诸塞州国家历史日的法官, 请访问我们的网站 tuanwei.52guanggu.com/masshistoryday.